Monthly Raffle
Contact Info
Mailing Address:
6521 Allview Drive
Columbia, MD 21046-1047

Office: 443.879.WNDA (9632)
Hotline: 1.877.300.3722 Option: 2

General Information

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News & Announcements


Tickets Now on Sale for 2010 Duckpin Pro Tour Hall of Fame & Awards Banquet

The banquet will be held at Hager Hall in the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center in Hagerstown on Saturday, May 29th. It will begin at 7:00 with cocktail and social time, with dinner and the program starting at 7:30. Dinner will be buffet-style and include oven-baked chicken and steak. There will be a cash bar as well.

Tickets are $35 per person and can be purchased through the WNDA or from the Duckpin Professional Bowler's Association. Just send a check to cover your tickets to the WNDA office. For convenience, you can also purchase tickets online through our PayPal system by using the links below. Note that you are not required to have or create a PayPal account to use this option.


WNDA's Jackie Adams Inducted into National Duckpin Bowling Congress Hall of Fame

On Friday, April 23, 2010, our very own Jackie Adams was inducted into the National Duckpin Congress Hall of Fame for her superior performance as a bowler. Jackie was the only bowler among the four inductees this year. When asked about it, she humbly said, " was a wonderful evening!!!!"

The NDBC Honors Banquet held at Dutch's Daughter in Frederick, MD. Entertainment was provided by the Kim Tucker Band.


2010 Hall of Fame Banquet

The WNDA and DPBA will jointly host a banquet on May 29 to induct new entrants into the Duckpin Pro Tour Hall of Fame. The event will be held in Hager Hall at the Clarion Hotel & Conference Center in Hagerstown. It will begin at 7:00 pm with a mixer/social time with dinner starting at 7:30. 

This year's WNDA inductees include:

Jackie Adams Tammy Ashworth Susan Phillips
Connie Ward Ralph Curry


More details on the program and tickets will be available very soon.

Update: See above post for banquet details and information on how to get tickets


Registration for Hagerstown's Duckpin Pro Tour is Now Open

We have opened registration for the first event of 2010, the Duckpin Olympics in Hagerstown, Maryland. You can click on the event heading in the calendar (see the schedule on the left of the home page) and go to the event information page. There, you will find a link to open/download the letter and accompanying forms.

Remember, paying your membership by April 15 earns you a $5 discount.


Kicking Off the 2010 Season

The 2010 member packets are now in the process of being distributed. Many will be hand-delivered by Governing Body representatives. Any that have not been distributed by April 5 will be mailed.

The welcome letter for the opening event at Turner's Dual Lanes in Hagerstown, MD, will be distributed on or around April 1. For your planning purposes, shift times for the event are expected to be as follows:

Friday 5/28: 12:30 pm and 6:00 pm

Saturday 5/29: 8:30 am and 1:30 pm

(Note: details around ceremonies are still being worked out and the Saturday times may change slightly)

We are also in the midst of finalizing the DPBA/WNDA Hall of Fame Banquet to be held on Saturday night, May 29th. Watch your e-mail for details and ticket information.