Monthly Raffle
Contact Info
Mailing Address:
6521 Allview Drive
Columbia, MD 21046-1047

Office: 443.879.WNDA (9632)
Hotline: 1.877.300.3722 Option: 2

General Information

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Kicking Off the 2010 Season

The 2010 member packets are now in the process of being distributed. Many will be hand-delivered by Governing Body representatives. Any that have not been distributed by April 5 will be mailed.

The welcome letter for the opening event at Turner's Dual Lanes in Hagerstown, MD, will be distributed on or around April 1. For your planning purposes, shift times for the event are expected to be as follows:

Friday 5/28: 12:30 pm and 6:00 pm

Saturday 5/29: 8:30 am and 1:30 pm

(Note: details around ceremonies are still being worked out and the Saturday times may change slightly)

We are also in the midst of finalizing the DPBA/WNDA Hall of Fame Banquet to be held on Saturday night, May 29th. Watch your e-mail for details and ticket information.

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