Monthly Raffle
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Mailing Address:
6521 Allview Drive
Columbia, MD 21046-1047

Office: 443.879.WNDA (9632)
Hotline: 1.877.300.3722 Option: 2

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News & Announcements


Grand Prix Invitational Information

The 2010 Grand Prix Invitational will be held on October 16-17, 2010, at AMF Towson. This event is open only to those WNDA members that have met the qualifications outlined in the by-laws. The distribution of invitations started on September 15 and will continue through September 18 until all have been delivered or put into the capable hands of the US Postal Service.

Each invitation includes a reply card. Members who desire to participate must return the reply card with the appropriate fees by October 4, 2010, in order to get a spot on one of the qualifying shifts. This event is by invitation only.

The qualifying shifts are 8:30 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, October 16. The semi-finals are scheduled to begin at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, October 17 with the ladder finals to be held immediately afterwards. At the conclusion of bowling on Sunday, there will be an awards presentation that will include the event's highlights. The 2010 Bowler of the Year, the 2010 Rookie of the Year, the 2010 Ann Schmitter Sportswomanship Awards, and the 2010 Theresa Belniak Service Award will be made on Saturday, if possible.

There will be a special lunch meeting for ALL CURRENT MEMBERS at 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, October 16. This is between the two qualifying rounds. The meeting will be held at the bowling center. Food and beverages will be provided. AMF Towson is located at 701 Southwick Drive in Towson, Maryland. Click on the link in the schedule for additional information.


Chris Primozic Wins at Pinland Bowl

Pinland Bowl winner Chris Primozic (right) with close friend and fellow bowler, Robin Mitchell (left).

The WNDA crowned a new champion today at Pinland Bowl in Dundalk, Maryland. Chris Primozic, of Woodbridge, Virginia, powered her way up the ladder from the first game through the last to claim the crown. This is Primozic's first WNDA title.

The full results are posted in the Pinland Bowl event area. The full press release is available here.


Johnston Insider Coverage of the WNDA/DPBA Event at Town Hall Lanes

Beth Hurd provided press coverage of the combined WNDA / DPBA Pro Tour event at Town Hall Lanes in early August. The article, which appears on page 14 of the August 18th edition of the newspaper covers both winners and includes photos. 

Follow this link to the PDF version of that edition.


Baltimore Sun runs news of Town Hall Lanes Event

The Baltimore Sun's August 14th edition, both online and print, included mention of the results from the WNDA and DPBA events at Town Hall Lanes. We strongly encourage our members and supporters in the area to let the newspaper know how much this is appreciated by buying copies and sending your e-mail feedback to

The online article can be found by following this link.


Cohen Captures First WNDA Victory

Town Hall Lanes Owner Frank Ferri Jr, Champion Tara Cohan, WNDA President Chuck Kramer A new star emerged as Tara Cohen of Owings Mills, MD seized her first WNDA Pro Tour championship this weekend.  Cohen has been having a very successful year.  In March, the two-handed bowler won the Ladies All-Star Classic at AMF Westview in Baltimore, MD, and in July, she placed 4th at the second pro tour event of the season in Hamden, CT. 

At the conclusion of Saturday's qualifying round, twenty-four participants advanced to the divisional playoffs.  A score of 1025 or better was needed in order to advance.  At the end of Sunday's match-play, the women were also seeded on a ladder; however, unlike the men, the women are seeded based solely on their record, with score acting as a tie-breaker.  Cohen was seeded second on the ladder and, like Sears, would have to wait to see who she would be up against.

DPBA Winner Joey Sears, WNDA Winner Tara Cohen, and Town Hall Lanes Proprietor Frank Ferri Jr.

In the first game, Elena Foldeak from Seymour, CT, defeated Kristin Bull of Baltimore, MD in a 136-117 game.  Foldeak now had to face Pat Rinaldi of Bethesda, MD.  Rinaldi had been bowling great all day, averaging almost 160 for her games earlier that day, which included a game of 204.  Rinaldi continued her impressive streak, defeating Foldeak 160-131.  Rinaldi was to now face Tara Cohen. Cohen took the lead and put up a score of 165 while Rinaldi got some tough breaks and finished with 115.  In the final match of the weekend, Cohen had to bowl against Kristy Penny of Sparrows Point, MD.  In a match that was close the entire game, it all came down to the final ball of the tenth frame in which Cohen was able to edge out Penny by a single pin, 144-143.

The next event of the WNDA season will take place on September 3-5, 2010 at Pinland Lanes in Dundalk, MD.