Chris Primozic Wins at Pinland Bowl
Sunday, September 5, 2010 at 5:13PM
WNDA in 2010, 2010 Pinland Bowl, Dundalk, Event, Events, MD, News, Pinland Bowl, results

Pinland Bowl winner Chris Primozic (right) with close friend and fellow bowler, Robin Mitchell (left).

The WNDA crowned a new champion today at Pinland Bowl in Dundalk, Maryland. Chris Primozic, of Woodbridge, Virginia, powered her way up the ladder from the first game through the last to claim the crown. This is Primozic's first WNDA title.

The full results are posted in the Pinland Bowl event area. The full press release is available here.

Article originally appeared on WNDA - Women's National Duckpin Association (
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