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Hagerstown 2010

The first stop on the WNDA 2010 Tournament circuit will be held at Turner's Dual Lanes in Hagerstown, MD. The prize list for this stop has been enhanced thanks to the generosity of our sponsor, Frank Turner.

There will be 4 qualifying shifts; two on Friday at 12:30 and 6:00, and two on Saturday at 8:30 am and 1:00 pm.

First Place: $5,000
Second Place: $2,500
Third Place: $1,250

Dual Lanes is located at 1350 Dual Highway, Hagerstown, Maryland. View Map

Final Results

Qualifying Round Results

Program Book

Photo Gallery



Media Coverage of Hagerstown Tour Stop

Here are several links to media coverage of the Hagerstown event.

  • Herald Mail article on the WNDA event: article
  • Herald Mail article on the DPBA event: article
  • WHAG-TV Sports News spot: video


Final Results

WNDA Duckpin Olympics Ladder at Dual Lanes in Hagerstown: (left to right) Jen DiStefano, Becky Sieck, Jackie Adams, Andrea Lanahan, Kendra Boswell.

1st Place: Jackie Adams

2nd Place: Andrea Lanahan

3rd Place:  Kendra Boswell

4th Place:  Becky Sieck

5th Place:  Jen DiStefano

High Qualifier:  Amy Sykes (1230)

High 4-game Block: Sharon Shipley (609)

Dot Hull HS: Phyllis Frederick (189)

129 & Under Awards

High 4-game Block Kari Shipley (588)

High Single: Robin Mitchell (183)


Complete results are available in PDF format at this link.


Qualifying Round Scores Now Available

The complete set of qualifying round scores and statistics are now available on line in PDF version. Just follow this link to get the file.


Qualifying Scores by Score

By Name Score
Sykes, Amy 1230
Thomas, Mindy 1178
Gaegler, Stacey 1156
Fisher, Bethany 1155
Boswell, Kendra 1141
Lanahan, Andrea 1124
Sachs, Jill 1122
Adams, Jackie 1121
Asimenios, Adele 1121
DiStefano, Jennifer 1121
Palmer, Patty 1118
Primozic, Chris 1118
Ashworth, Tammy 1117
Robustelli, Kristen 1106
Schreiber, Lauree 1104
Hebert, Kayla 1094
Sears, Diane 1090
Huber, Lisa 1086
Sieck, Becky 1084
Sauter, Janet 1083
Mahoney, Melissa 1079
Vincent, Debbie 1078
Shipley, Sharon 1070
Simms, Kristen 1069
Ward, Connie 1067
Mattern, Christy 1066
Penny, Kristy 1066
Phillips, Susan 1059
McClay, Danielle 1053
Brooks, Denise 1049
Johnson, Theresa 1047
Rafferty, Trina 1047
Shipley, Kari 1044
Llewellyn, Melissa 1041
Pyles, Lisa 1039
Lipka, Corinne 1038
McMillen, Cindy 1035
Canfield, Sandee 1024
Silvia, Diane 1018
Hewitt, Jodi 1016
Buenger, Cindy 1014
Cohen, Tara 1014
Oliver, Lora 1013
Conrad, Debbie 1012
Mitchell, Robin 1009
Adams, Stephanie 1008
Breen, Christine 1008
Frederick, Phyllis 1007
Lewis, Jackie 1004
Sachs, Amy 1004
Morales, Sherry 1003
Durbin, Amanda 1002
Costa, Alicyn 998
Meyer, Kelly 996
Sczepucha, Robin 994
Riccio, Pam 989
Carey, Christina 986
Dayhoff, Beth 977
Bull, Kristen 970
Rinaldi, Pat 969
Dansereau, Katia 963
Ritchie, Krystal 962
Pereira, Pam 960
Norman, Marge 956
Holder, Cindy 954
Fletcher, Paula 946
Pietro, Colleen 942
Mahoney, Coleen 938
Kropfelder, Debbie 921
Schady, Stephanie 921
Hoff, Brenda 908
Nasisi, Stacey 896
Pettit, Diz 892
Hixon, Debbie 890
Sloan, Mary 878
Nicholas, Amanda 830



Qualifying Round Scores by Bowler

Name  Score
Adams, Jackie 1121
Adams, Stephanie 1008
Ashworth, Tammy 1117
Asimenios, Adele 1121
Boswell, Kendra 1141
Breen, Christine 1008
Brooks, Denise 1049
Buenger, Cindy 1014
Bull, Kristen 970
Canfield, Sandee 1024
Carey, Christina 986
Cohen, Tara 1014
Conrad, Debbie 1012
Costa, Alicyn 998
Dansereau, Katia 963
Dayhoff, Beth 977
DiStefano, Jennifer 1121
Durbin, Amanda 1002
Fisher, Bethany 1155
Fletcher, Paula 946
Frederick, Phyllis 1007
Gaegler, Stacey 1156
Hebert, Kayla 1094
Hewitt, Jodi 1016
Hixon, Debbie 890
Hoff, Brenda 908
Holder, Cindy 954
Huber, Lisa 1086
Johnson, Theresa 1047
Kropfelder, Debbie 921
Lanahan, Andrea 1124
Lewis, Jackie 1004
Lipka, Corinne 1038
Llewellyn, Melissa 1041
Mahoney, Coleen 938
Mahoney, Melissa 1079
Mattern, Christy 1066
McClay, Danielle 1053
McMillen, Cindy 1035
Meyer, Kelly 996
Mitchell, Robin 1009
Morales, Sherry 1003
Nasisi, Stacey 896
Nicholas, Amanda 830
Norman, Marge 956
Oliver, Lora 1013
Palmer, Patty 1118
Penny, Kristy 1066
Pereira, Pam 960
Pettit, Diz 892
Phillips, Susan 1059
Pietro, Colleen 942
Primozic, Chris 1118
Pyles, Lisa 1039
Rafferty, Trina 1047
Riccio, Pam 989
Rinaldi, Pat 969
Ritchie, Krystal 962
Robustelli, Kristen 1106
Sachs, Amy 1004
Sachs, Jill 1122
Sauter, Janet 1083
Schady, Stephanie 921
Schreiber, Lauree 1104
Sczepucha, Robin 994
Sears, Diane 1090
Shipley, Kari 1044
Shipley, Sharon 1070
Sieck, Becky 1084
Silvia, Diane 1018
Simms, Kristen 1069
Sloan, Mary 878
Sykes, Amy 1230
Thomas, Mindy 1178
Vincent, Debbie 1078
Ward, Connie 1067