Hagerstown 2010
The first stop on the WNDA 2010 Tournament circuit will be held at Turner's Dual Lanes in Hagerstown, MD. The prize list for this stop has been enhanced thanks to the generosity of our sponsor, Frank Turner.
There will be 4 qualifying shifts; two on Friday at 12:30 and 6:00, and two on Saturday at 8:30 am and 1:00 pm.
First Place: $5,000
Second Place: $2,500
Third Place: $1,250
Dual Lanes is located at 1350 Dual Highway, Hagerstown, Maryland. View Map
Final Results

WNDA Duckpin Olympics Ladder at Dual Lanes in Hagerstown: (left to right) Jen DiStefano, Becky Sieck, Jackie Adams, Andrea Lanahan, Kendra Boswell.
1st Place: Jackie Adams
2nd Place: Andrea Lanahan
3rd Place: Kendra Boswell
4th Place: Becky Sieck
5th Place: Jen DiStefano
High Qualifier: Amy Sykes (1230)
High 4-game Block: Sharon Shipley (609)
Dot Hull HS: Phyllis Frederick (189)
129 & Under Awards
High 4-game Block Kari Shipley (588)
High Single: Robin Mitchell (183)
Complete results are available in PDF format at this link.
Qualifying Round Scores Now Available

The complete set of qualifying round scores and statistics are now available on line in PDF version. Just follow this link to get the file.
Qualifying Scores by Score

By Name | Score |
Sykes, Amy | 1230 |
Thomas, Mindy | 1178 |
Gaegler, Stacey | 1156 |
Fisher, Bethany | 1155 |
Boswell, Kendra | 1141 |
Lanahan, Andrea | 1124 |
Sachs, Jill | 1122 |
Adams, Jackie | 1121 |
Asimenios, Adele | 1121 |
DiStefano, Jennifer | 1121 |
Palmer, Patty | 1118 |
Primozic, Chris | 1118 |
Ashworth, Tammy | 1117 |
Robustelli, Kristen | 1106 |
Schreiber, Lauree | 1104 |
Hebert, Kayla | 1094 |
Sears, Diane | 1090 |
Huber, Lisa | 1086 |
Sieck, Becky | 1084 |
Sauter, Janet | 1083 |
Mahoney, Melissa | 1079 |
Vincent, Debbie | 1078 |
Shipley, Sharon | 1070 |
Simms, Kristen | 1069 |
Ward, Connie | 1067 |
Mattern, Christy | 1066 |
Penny, Kristy | 1066 |
Phillips, Susan | 1059 |
McClay, Danielle | 1053 |
Brooks, Denise | 1049 |
Johnson, Theresa | 1047 |
Rafferty, Trina | 1047 |
Shipley, Kari | 1044 |
Llewellyn, Melissa | 1041 |
Pyles, Lisa | 1039 |
Lipka, Corinne | 1038 |
McMillen, Cindy | 1035 |
Canfield, Sandee | 1024 |
Silvia, Diane | 1018 |
Hewitt, Jodi | 1016 |
Buenger, Cindy | 1014 |
Cohen, Tara | 1014 |
Oliver, Lora | 1013 |
Conrad, Debbie | 1012 |
Mitchell, Robin | 1009 |
Adams, Stephanie | 1008 |
Breen, Christine | 1008 |
Frederick, Phyllis | 1007 |
Lewis, Jackie | 1004 |
Sachs, Amy | 1004 |
Morales, Sherry | 1003 |
Durbin, Amanda | 1002 |
Costa, Alicyn | 998 |
Meyer, Kelly | 996 |
Sczepucha, Robin | 994 |
Riccio, Pam | 989 |
Carey, Christina | 986 |
Dayhoff, Beth | 977 |
Bull, Kristen | 970 |
Rinaldi, Pat | 969 |
Dansereau, Katia | 963 |
Ritchie, Krystal | 962 |
Pereira, Pam | 960 |
Norman, Marge | 956 |
Holder, Cindy | 954 |
Fletcher, Paula | 946 |
Pietro, Colleen | 942 |
Mahoney, Coleen | 938 |
Kropfelder, Debbie | 921 |
Schady, Stephanie | 921 |
Hoff, Brenda | 908 |
Nasisi, Stacey | 896 |
Pettit, Diz | 892 |
Hixon, Debbie | 890 |
Sloan, Mary | 878 |
Nicholas, Amanda | 830 |
Qualifying Round Scores by Bowler

Name | Score |
Adams, Jackie | 1121 |
Adams, Stephanie | 1008 |
Ashworth, Tammy | 1117 |
Asimenios, Adele | 1121 |
Boswell, Kendra | 1141 |
Breen, Christine | 1008 |
Brooks, Denise | 1049 |
Buenger, Cindy | 1014 |
Bull, Kristen | 970 |
Canfield, Sandee | 1024 |
Carey, Christina | 986 |
Cohen, Tara | 1014 |
Conrad, Debbie | 1012 |
Costa, Alicyn | 998 |
Dansereau, Katia | 963 |
Dayhoff, Beth | 977 |
DiStefano, Jennifer | 1121 |
Durbin, Amanda | 1002 |
Fisher, Bethany | 1155 |
Fletcher, Paula | 946 |
Frederick, Phyllis | 1007 |
Gaegler, Stacey | 1156 |
Hebert, Kayla | 1094 |
Hewitt, Jodi | 1016 |
Hixon, Debbie | 890 |
Hoff, Brenda | 908 |
Holder, Cindy | 954 |
Huber, Lisa | 1086 |
Johnson, Theresa | 1047 |
Kropfelder, Debbie | 921 |
Lanahan, Andrea | 1124 |
Lewis, Jackie | 1004 |
Lipka, Corinne | 1038 |
Llewellyn, Melissa | 1041 |
Mahoney, Coleen | 938 |
Mahoney, Melissa | 1079 |
Mattern, Christy | 1066 |
McClay, Danielle | 1053 |
McMillen, Cindy | 1035 |
Meyer, Kelly | 996 |
Mitchell, Robin | 1009 |
Morales, Sherry | 1003 |
Nasisi, Stacey | 896 |
Nicholas, Amanda | 830 |
Norman, Marge | 956 |
Oliver, Lora | 1013 |
Palmer, Patty | 1118 |
Penny, Kristy | 1066 |
Pereira, Pam | 960 |
Pettit, Diz | 892 |
Phillips, Susan | 1059 |
Pietro, Colleen | 942 |
Primozic, Chris | 1118 |
Pyles, Lisa | 1039 |
Rafferty, Trina | 1047 |
Riccio, Pam | 989 |
Rinaldi, Pat | 969 |
Ritchie, Krystal | 962 |
Robustelli, Kristen | 1106 |
Sachs, Amy | 1004 |
Sachs, Jill | 1122 |
Sauter, Janet | 1083 |
Schady, Stephanie | 921 |
Schreiber, Lauree | 1104 |
Sczepucha, Robin | 994 |
Sears, Diane | 1090 |
Shipley, Kari | 1044 |
Shipley, Sharon | 1070 |
Sieck, Becky | 1084 |
Silvia, Diane | 1018 |
Simms, Kristen | 1069 |
Sloan, Mary | 878 |
Sykes, Amy | 1230 |
Thomas, Mindy | 1178 |
Vincent, Debbie | 1078 |
Ward, Connie | 1067 |