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6521 Allview Drive
Columbia, MD 21046-1047

Office: 443.879.WNDA (9632)
Hotline: 1.877.300.3722 Option: 2

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Hagerstown 2010

The first stop on the WNDA 2010 Tournament circuit will be held at Turner's Dual Lanes in Hagerstown, MD. The prize list for this stop has been enhanced thanks to the generosity of our sponsor, Frank Turner.

There will be 4 qualifying shifts; two on Friday at 12:30 and 6:00, and two on Saturday at 8:30 am and 1:00 pm.

First Place: $5,000
Second Place: $2,500
Third Place: $1,250

Dual Lanes is located at 1350 Dual Highway, Hagerstown, Maryland. View Map

Final Results

Qualifying Round Results

Program Book

Photo Gallery



Shift Assignments

Shift List - Friday, May 28, 2010

Shift 1 @ 12:30 p.m. Shift 2 @ 6:00 p.m.
Dayhoff Beth
Fisher Bethany
Hewitt Jodi
Hixon Deb
Hoff Brenda
McMillen Cindy
Morales Sherry
Schady Stephanie
Shipley Kari
Asimenios Adele
Boswell Kendra
Breen Christie
Brooks Denise
Canfield Sandee
Cohen Tara
Covelly Carole
Durbin Amanda
Frederick Phyllis
Hebert Kayla
Huber Lisa
Johnson Theresa
Lipka Corinne
McClay Daniele
Nasisi Stacy
Nicholas Amanda
Pyles Lisa
Sauter Janet
Shipley Sharon









Shift List - Saturday, May 29, 2010

Shift 1 @ 8:30 a.m. Shift 2 @ 1:30 p.m.
Ashworth Tammy
Bull Kristin
Dansereau Katia
Lanahan Andrea
Lewis Jackie
Mahoney Melissa
Meyer Kelly
Mitchell Robin
Oliver Lora
Pettit Dorothy
Phillips Susan
Primozic Chris
Rafferty Trina
Riccio Pam
Robustelli Kristen
Schreiber Lauree
Sears Diane
Sieck Becky
Sykes Amy
Adams Jackie
Adams Stephanie
Buenger Cindy
Carey Christina
Conrad Debbie
Costa Alicyn
DiStefano Jennifer
Fletcher Paula
Gaegler Stacey
Llewellyn Melissa
Mattern Christy
Norman Marge
Penny Kristy
Pereira Pam
Pietro Colleen
Rinaldi Pat
Ritchie Krystal
Sachs Amy
Sachs Jill
Sczepucha Robin
Silvia Diane
Thomas Mindy
Vincent Debbie
Ward Connie

Welcome Letter

We will have 24 qualifiers advance to the semi-finals.  Download the welcome letter and event registration materials in PDF format  by clicking HERE.

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