Final Results of the 2010 Season

The final results for the 2010 season are now online. You can find them at the navigation link on the left of the menu on the web site.
Our host for the 5th event of the 2010 season on September 4th and 5th is Karen Brison of Pinland Lanes in Dundalk, MD.
The center is located at:
10 North Dundalk Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21222-4221
(410) 285-0135
Click here for a map
The final results for the 2010 season are now online. You can find them at the navigation link on the left of the menu on the web site.
The full set of qualifying round scores are now available on the Pinland Bowl page at this link will be posted soon.
The scratch cut to advance to the semi-finals is 1087. Bowlers in the pins-over-average category need +16 or better. The alternate's score is 1063. Bowlers need to report and check-in by 9:30 am on Sunday, September 5, for a 10:00 am start time.
The following are the current shift assignments for the upcoming Pinland Bowl event. The qualifying rounds are on Saturday, September 4. Bowlers are to report and be checked-in at least 30 minutes prior to their assigned shift.
Note that we can still accommodate a few more entries.
Shift 1 - 8:30 | Shift 2 - 1:30 |
Ashworth, Tammy | Abramuk, Sherry |
Asimenios, Adele | Adams, Jackie |
Brooks, Denise | Adams, Stephanie |
Bull, Kristin | Cohen, Tara |
Coale, Barbara | Dayhoff, Beth |
Durbin, Amanda | Fisher, Bethany |
Harris, Stephanie | Fletcher, Paula |
Huber, Lisa | Frederick, Phyllis |
Kramer, Vicki | Gaegler, Stacey |
Lanahan, Andrea | Hewitt, Jodi |
Lipka, Corinne | Hixon, Deb |
Mitchell, Robin | Hoff, Brenda |
Palmer, Patty | Johnson, Theresa |
Penny, Kristy | Kerr, Candace |
Phillips, Susan | Kropfelder, Debbie |
Pietro, Colleen | Lampman, Kristi |
Primozic, Chris | Llewellyn, Melissa |
Riccio, Pam | McMillen, Cindy |
Robustelli, Kristen | Morales, Sherry |
Sauter, Janet | Norman, Marge |
Schreiber, Lauree | Pettit, Diz |
Sczepucha, Robin | Rinaldi, Pat |
Sears, Diane | Thomas, Mindy |
Simms, Kristen | Ward, Connie |
Sykes, Amy | Wisniewski, Katherine |
Ashworth, Tammy | |
Pietro, Colleen | |
Mahoney, Colleen |