Shift List for Pinland Bowl

The following are the current shift assignments for the upcoming Pinland Bowl event. The qualifying rounds are on Saturday, September 4. Bowlers are to report and be checked-in at least 30 minutes prior to their assigned shift.
Note that we can still accommodate a few more entries.
Shift 1 - 8:30 | Shift 2 - 1:30 |
Ashworth, Tammy | Abramuk, Sherry |
Asimenios, Adele | Adams, Jackie |
Brooks, Denise | Adams, Stephanie |
Bull, Kristin | Cohen, Tara |
Coale, Barbara | Dayhoff, Beth |
Durbin, Amanda | Fisher, Bethany |
Harris, Stephanie | Fletcher, Paula |
Huber, Lisa | Frederick, Phyllis |
Kramer, Vicki | Gaegler, Stacey |
Lanahan, Andrea | Hewitt, Jodi |
Lipka, Corinne | Hixon, Deb |
Mitchell, Robin | Hoff, Brenda |
Palmer, Patty | Johnson, Theresa |
Penny, Kristy | Kerr, Candace |
Phillips, Susan | Kropfelder, Debbie |
Pietro, Colleen | Lampman, Kristi |
Primozic, Chris | Llewellyn, Melissa |
Riccio, Pam | McMillen, Cindy |
Robustelli, Kristen | Morales, Sherry |
Sauter, Janet | Norman, Marge |
Schreiber, Lauree | Pettit, Diz |
Sczepucha, Robin | Rinaldi, Pat |
Sears, Diane | Thomas, Mindy |
Simms, Kristen | Ward, Connie |
Sykes, Amy | Wisniewski, Katherine |
Ashworth, Tammy | |
Pietro, Colleen | |
Mahoney, Colleen |
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