Deadline for Pinland Bowl Event

2009 Pinland Champ: Pam RiccioToday, August 25, is the postmark deadline for the upcoming tournament at Pinland Bowl. Be sure to get yours in the mail and postmarked in order to avoid the late fees.
We need members to update their BIOS. Use the form in the FORMS section of the website or see the latest e-mails for instructions on how to do it online.
Nominations for the Ann Schmitter Sportswomanship Award and the Theresa Belniak Service Award are still open. We expect every member to give thought to others that may qualify and submit a nomination for them.
We are also still accepting letters of interest for the positions of Vice President/North and Statistician for next year. Both terms expire this year with elections to be held at the members meeting at the Grand Prix event.