M&M Contest at Town Hall Lanes

It took longer than expected, but we have the winner of the M&M Contest we held at Town Hall. For those of you that couldn't be there, here is the backstory.
These guys & their friends came to Town Hall Lanes to to party with the WNDA, but they arrived one day too early. Being a wild bunch, they decided to have a good time while they waited. After partying, dancing, and drinking, they crashed for the night. When Carol arrived and found them, she put them in a WNDA piggy bank to keep them safe.
Guess how many are in the bank and you could win a WNDA polo shirt.
Just fill out this slip and leave it with Carol. The person whose guess is closest to the actual number wins a WNDA Black Polo shirt (sizes M, L, XL, 2XL).
In case of a tie, the person closest without going over will be awarded a shirt. If multiple people submitted the same guess, one will be drawn at random for the shirt.
Slips must be turned in BEFORE the end of the bowler’s shift.
The candies have been counted and the submission slips reviewed. Interestingly, the average guess was 392, with the highest being 2010 and the lowest 128. The actual number in the bank was...
drum roll please...
The winner is Cindy McMillen with her guess of 666. Looks like that really is her lucky number (see the Meet the WNDA Bowlers pages in the Town Hall Lanes program book for an explanation). Congratulations Cindy, you have won a WNDA polo shirt. We will be in touch for your size.

Due to an error, the incorrect number of candies was posted as 761. The correct number is 731 and the posting has been updated. The winner remains the same. Our apologies for the error.
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