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Lauree Schreiber is #1 at Glen Burnie

Lauree Schreiber of Abingdon, MD, emerged the champion at the third event of the Women's National Duckpin Association tournament season held at Glen Burnie Bowl. Schreiber qualified in the 10th spot on Saturday with a score of 1070. She then took the top spot in her division with an outstanding 832 score and a 4-1 record. This earned her the top-spot in the up-the-ladder finals.

Tour winner Lauree Schreiber, her husband Dan, and son Trevor.Kendra Boswell, the events high qualifier with 1202 and the weekend's only 200 game of 208, was seeded 4th on the ladder. She edged out wild-card Kristy Penny in the first match. She then went on to win the next two matches against Jill Sachs and Adele Asimenios and face Lauree in the final game. It was a great competition between these two athletes, but Lauree pulled ahead to claim the win, 158-127.

This is Lauree Schreiber's third win on the pro tour and she couldn't be happier. Her mother, who was celebrating her birthday, her husband, and son were all on-hand to witness her accomplishment. 

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