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Johnson's Lanes Qualifying Round Scores

Summary results for the qualifying round are below. Full qualifying round results in PDF format can be found here.


2010 WNDA Tour Stop #2
Johnson's Lanes, CT

Bowler Score Pins Over Avg
Sauter, Janet 1192 88
Adams, Jackie 1173 61
DiStefano, Jennifer 1171 139
Phillips, Susan 1162 50
Sykes, Amy 1152 24
Huber, Lisa 1143 15
Sears, Diane 1137 161
Lanahan, Andrea 1129 9
Schreiber, Lauree 1115 59
Sachs, Jill 1113 33
Cohen, Tara 1109 109
Hewitt, Jodi 1103 87
Sieck, Becky 1098 42
Riccio, Pam 1096 24
Primozic, Chris 1088 -16
Dayhoff, Beth 1087 55
Fisher, Bethany 1077 5
Ritchie, Krystal 1070 38
Canfield, Sandee 1068 52
Llewellyn, Melissa 1061 -35


Pins Over Average

Nicholas, Amanda 971 83
Dansereau, Katia 990 78
Pietro, Colleen 982 54
Oliver, Lora 963 51



Gaegler, Stacey 1054 -26
Durbin, Amanda 1042 26
McMillen, Cindy 1037 37
Rafferty, Trina 1034 26
Buenger, Cindy 1032 -88
Fletcher, Paula 1030 46
Meyer, Kelly 1015 -9
Weidele, Becky 1009 -7
Lipka, Corinne 1004 -36
Asimenios, Adele 1003 -85
Vincent, Debbie 1002 2
Brooks, Denise 1001 25
Palmer, Patty 996 -100
Adams, Stephanie 994 -54
Robustelli, Kristen 994 -14
Ashworth, Tammy 984 -72
Foldeak, Elena 983 -57
Balducci, Gianna 955 27
Hoff, Brenda 928 -48
Sachs, Amy* 196 -716
* withdrew    

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