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Johnson's Pro Tour Qualifiers

The qualifying rounds are complete and we have our Saturday results. Congratulations to Mindy Thomas for being the High Qualifier with 1199.

The scratch cut is 1036, the pins-over-average +12, and the alternate is 1030.

There is a tie for the final pins-over-average position between Krystal Ritchie and Lora Oliver. They will roll-off at 9:00 AM tomorrow (must arrive before 8:50).

Semi-finals will start at 10:00 AM, bowlers must check-in by 9:30 AM.


Place Bowler TOTAL
1* Thomas, Mindy 1199
2 Phillips, Susan 1196
3 Costa, Alicyn 1153
4 McMillen, Cindy 1142
Fletcher, Paula
6 Lampman, Kristi 1133
7 Adams, Jackie 1126
8 Primozic, Chris 1114
9 Huber, Lisa 1112
10 Palmer, Patty 1096
11 Rinaldi, Pat 1081
12 Ward, Connie 1080
13 Lipka, Corinne 1065
14 Adams, Stephanie 1064
15 Bull, Kristin 1064
16 Dansereau, Kelly 1061
17 Coale, Barbara 1046
18 Asimenios, Adele 1041
19 Dayhoff, Beth 1039
20 Simms, Kristen 1036
Nasisi, Stacey
22 Kramer, Vicki 943
23 Vincent, Debbie 1033
24 Ritchie, Krystal 1020
25 Oliver, Lora 948
26 Robustelli, Kristen 1030
27 Lanahan, Andrea 1029
28 Hewitt, Jodi 1026
29 Silvia, Diane 1026
30 Ashworth, Tammy 1022
31 Schreiber, Lauree 1019
32 Cohen, Tara 1005
33 Rafferty, Trina 988
34 Hoff, Brenda 933
35 Fisher, Bethany 923
* High Qualifier  

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