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« Hagerstown 5:30 PM Shift Cancelled | Main | Hagerstown Entries »

Hagerstown Shift List

Shift List for Dual Lanes, Hagerstown, MD as of May 21, 2011. Note that there are currently no bowlers assigned to the 5:30 shift on Saturday. The shift is still available though.

Friday 6:00pm

Asimenios, Adele

Breen, Christie

Cohen, Tara

Durbin, Amanda

Grabowsky, Lindsay

Hixon, Debbie

Huber, Lisa

Lipka, Corinne

Mack, Kristen

McClay Dani

McMillen, Cindy

Morrison, Diane

Nasisi, Stacy

Palmer, Patty

Rinaldi, Pat

Shipley, Sharon

Simms, Kristen

Wisniewski, Katherine


Saturday 8:30am

Ashworth, Tammy

Coale, Barbara

Dansereau, Kelly

Holtzner, Amy

Kramer, Vicki

Lanahan, Andrea

Mitchell, Robin

Oliver, Lora

Penny, Kristy

Phillips, Susan

Pietro, Colleen

Primozic, Chris

Rafferty, Trina

Robustelli, Kristen

Saghy, Kari

Sauter, Janet

Sauter, Jennifer

Schady, Stephanie

Schreiber, Lauree

Saturday 1:00pm

Adams, Jackie

Adams, Stephanie

Bull, Kristin

Dayhoff, Beth

Fisher, Bethany

Frederick, Phyllis

Gaegler, Stacey

Hewitt, Jodi

Hillmer, Stephanie

Kerr, Candy

Mahoney, Colleen

Martin, Kelly

Mattern, Christy

Pyles, Lisa

Sachs, Jill

Silvia, Diane

Thomas, Mindy

Vincent, Deb

Ward, Connie

References (2)

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  • Response
    Hello, here to post points. Here's a good article written, rich in content. If you want more information, look at the situation here:Hagerstown Shift List - 2011 Hagerstown, MD - WNDA - Women's National Duckpin Association
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