Shift Assignments for Grand Prix

The following represents the shift assignments for the Grand Prix Invitational at AMF Towson.
On October 10, bowlers will be assigned to lanes based on the postmark of their entry. The lane assignments will then be sent to center management to prepare the scoring system for the tournament.
Reminder: the membership meeting be at 1:30 with the special awards presentation to immediately follow.
Shift 1 - 8:30
Abramuk, Sherry
Asimenios, Adele
Brooks, Denise
Bull, Kristin
Coale, Barbara
Cohen, Tara
Durbin, Amanda
Huber, Lisa
Lanahan, Andrea
Mitchell, Robin
Palmer, Patty
Penny, Kristy
Phillips, Susan
Primozic, Chris
Robustelli, Kristen
Sauter, Janet
Schreiber, Lauree
Sears, Diane
Sykes, Amy
Thomas, Mindy
Vincent, Debbie
Shift 2 - 3:00
Adams, Jackie
Adams, Stephanie
Ashworth, Tammy
Canfield, Sandee
Costa, Alicyn
Dayhoff, Beth
Fisher, Bethany
Fletcher, Paula
Gaegler, Stacey
Hewitt, Jodi
Kramer, Vicki
Lipka, Corinne
Llewellyn, Melissa
McMillen, Cindy
Oliver, Lora
Rafferty, Trina
Riccio, Pam
Rinaldi, Pat
Ritchie, Krystal
Sieck, Becky
Silvia, Diane
Ward, Connie
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