November 2010 Winner

The winner of the November drawing in the 2010-2011 WNDA fundraiser is Roberta Burns of Lowell, MA. Her ticket #0067, sold by Pat Rinaldi, was the lucky winner.
Congratulations Roberta!
The winner of the November drawing in the 2010-2011 WNDA fundraiser is Roberta Burns of Lowell, MA. Her ticket #0067, sold by Pat Rinaldi, was the lucky winner.
Congratulations Roberta!
The first winner in the 2010-2011 fundraiser has been drawn and is posted in the monthly raffle section of the website (see the navigation bar on the left side of the website for the link).
The first winner of the 2010-2011 raffle is Danny Griffith of Annandale, Virginia. Danny's ticket #1735 was drawn as the prize in the first monthly drawing of the year. Congratulations Danny!
His ticket will be returned to the bin as it is still eligible to win in any of the remaining 11 months of drawings.