Thursday, September 23, 2010 at 11:07AM
WNDA in 2010, Announcement, meeting

The 2010 WNDA Members Meeting will be held on Saturday, October 16, 2010 at AMF Towson. The meeting will start at 1:30. Food and beverages will be provided. 

All members are requested to attend as this is an important part of WNDA membership and the best opportunity to help shape the future of the organization. Items on the agenda include the elections for Vice President/North and Statistician, a "year-to-date" view of this years finances, and a glimpse into 2011. We are looking for feedback from the membership on all aspects of the WNDA's operations, including program books, event schedule, communications, and fundraising.


Article originally appeared on WNDA - Women's National Duckpin Association (http://wnda.squarespace.com/).
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